- In which country is the brand, KURSHUNI from?
- Do you only have an Online Shop?
- What material is used in KURSHUNI Jewellery?
- In KURSHUNI Jewellery, there are also jewellery available in gold and rose gold color. Are these jewellery also silver? How is the variety of colors obtained?
- Are the plating of KURSHUNI jewellery resistant for a longer time?
- Does KURSHUNI Jewellery has a guarantee?
- How would I know that KURSHUNI jewellery that I purchase is silver and original KURSHUNI jewellery?
- How can I find out my ring size?
- Does KURSHUNI sell single Earrings?
- How can I obtain any information on KURSHUNI’s new collections and/or promotions?
- Can I cancel my Newsletter membership?
- Does your company has B2B sales?
- How can I become a member?
- Can I shop without becoming a member?
- How can I update my account information?
- I forgot my password, what can I do?
- Is my personal data being protected?
- Will the jewellery that I see in the photo be the same one when sent to me?
- Can I change my order?
- How can I follow up my order?
- How long does it take to receive my order?
- Can I place an order from another country?
- Can I purchase any jewellery that I see in KURSHUNI Sales Corners from www.kurshuni.com?
- How can I cancel my order?
- What can I do in the case that the jewellery sent is damaged?
- What can I do if the wrong jewellery is sent?
- I would like to send my order as a present. Can you have a present wrap and add a note in it?
- Is it safe to use my credit card in your website?
- How can I make a payment of my order?
- What should I do after I make the bank transfer?
- Do you apply payment installment to credit card payments?
- Can I make a purchase with a credit card from foreign country?
- What could the reasons be for my credit card to be rejected?
- How can I reach to my invoice?
- Do you have an option for payment-at-the-door?
- I returned my order. When will I receive my return payment?
- Which shipping company are you working with?
- What is the shipping fee?
- How can I track my order’s shipment?
- My order didn’t reach to my address. What can I do?
- How can I know if my order is picked up by the shipping company?
- When will I receive my shipment?
- Can I change the delivery address of my order?
- Can I change the name of the person who will pick up the order?
- Do you deliver on holidays?
- Can you send the order earlier than its due date?
- What will I do if my order arrives when I am not at home?
- What should I do if the package is damaged when it arrives?
- Do you have a same-day delivery service?